Sunday, February 9, 2025

ChatGPT could be an effective tool to help reduce vaccine hesitancy

New research presented at this year’s ESCMID (formerly ECCMID) World Congress in Barcelona, ​​Spain (April 27-30), suggests that free and widely accessible ChatGPT could be an effective tool to help reduce hesitancy to vaccination of the general public. , as well as providing useful advice on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in collaboration with sexual health clinics, improving knowledge and access to care.

Our results showed that ChatGPT displayed a remarkable ability to accurately answer a wide range of frequently asked questions, encompassing topics such as misconceptions around mRNA vaccination and the importance of STI testing. In the majority of cases, ChatGPT has operated at the level of advice provided by professional organizations and guidelines. »

Dr Matthieu Koh,main author from the National University Health System (NUHS) in Singapore

Since its unveiling in November 2022, millions of people have used AI (artificial intelligence) chatbots like ChatGPT for everything from creating music to answering questions to helping with homework. But ChatGPT is mired in issues related to its accuracy.

Vaccines have stopped epidemics and nearly eradicated deadly diseases in the past, such as polio, but vaccine hesitancy, directly linked to misinformation (false and inaccurate information presented as fact) is on the rise, leading to a drop in the vaccination rate. Since the public launch of ChatGPT, people who are wary of healthcare professionals can use the technology to address their concerns.

Likewise, for people trying to access sexual health information, or those worried about the stigma and embarrassment of attending a clinic, or who have limited access to care health, using ChatGPT could be a good way to get answers about STIs.

To find out more, researchers at NUHS Singapore tested ChatGPT to see if it could provide answers to common questions about vaccination and STIs.

A team of doctors who run infectious disease clinics asked ChatGPT to answer 15 frequently asked questions about vaccine hesitancy, including questions about doubts about getting vaccinated. the effectiveness of vaccines, concerns about side effects, and cultural concerns related to vaccines (see table in notes to editors).

They also asked ChatGPT 17 common questions about STIs based on general risk factors, access to care and diagnosisand management and post-exposure prophylaxis (see table in notes to editors).

The AI-generated responses on vaccine hesitancy were then evaluated by two independent infectious disease experts against recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). ) of the United States, and the STI chatbot responses were evaluated against the 2021 US CDC STI Treatment Guidelines. All responses were evaluated for completeness, quality, and accuracy.

Evidence-based answers to vaccine hesitancy concerns

Researchers found that ChatGPT’s overall results provided evidence-based answers and reassurance to concerns related to vaccine hesitancy.

For example, ChatGPT accurately highlighted the indication for measles vaccination in low-incidence settings and discussed the potential benefits of male human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. However, the AI ​​chatbot did not take into account ACIP’s suggested age limits for HPV vaccination, nor did it take into account a specific individual’s situation, such as their level of sexual activity.

Additionally, ChatGPT reassured those with egg allergies and flu vaccinations, and very accurately addressed misconceptions regarding mRNA vaccination and permanent DNA damage. However, it did not offer non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine options, but encouraged further discussions with healthcare professionals.

ChatGPT also rightly recognized the complexity of religious issues around vaccination and asked individuals to have more in-depth discussions with religious leaders. But it’s important to note that researchers found that without specific details about the religious concern and the specific vaccine, ChatGPT’s advice was generic and did not provide a more detailed discussion of risks and benefits.

“Overall, ChatGPT’s responses to vaccine hesitancy were accurate and could help people who have vaccine-related misconceptions,” says Dr Koh, who is also an infectious disease physician at the National University Hospital of Singapore. “Our results demonstrate the potential power of AI models to contribute to public health campaigns and help healthcare professionals reduce vaccine hesitancy.”

Responses to STIs generally accurate and concise

The researchers also found that overall, ChatGPT’s answers about STIs were mostly accurate and concise.

For example, when asked how to prevent STIs, the chatbot recommended safe sex practices, HPV vaccination as well as abstinencebut it did not provide guidance on other key elements such as HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Additionally, the AI ​​chatbot was able to provide general reassurance about STI symptoms, such as noting that other possibilities exist, and recommended getting tested. He also consistently communicated the importance of partner testing and follow-up testing.

However, when asked about treatment for chlamydia, ChatGPT suggested azithromycin or doxycycline, although the CDC favors doxycycline as a first-line treatment. He also did not emphasize the importance of testing for other STIs.

“ChatGPT provided good general advice on STIs, but it lacked specificity and could not tailor its advice to the individual’s risk of contracting STIs,” says Dr Koh. “The goal of this project is to empower the general public. The hope is that individuals can educate themselves with ChatGPT by making accurate advice more accessible and increasing vaccine uptake and protection against STIs.”

He continues: “We believe that ChatGPT should be used in conjunction with or in addition to a medical consultation; the human response is always necessary to contextualize the advice that is given to a specific individual’s situation and for it to make the most sense. and be as useful as possible for the patient.

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